Media Player App using Flutter

suyog shinde
2 min readSep 12, 2021


Flutter is an open source framework to create high quality, high performance mobile applications across mobile operating systems — Android and iOS. It provides a simple, powerful, efficient and easy to understand SDK to write mobile application in Google’s own language, Dart. This tutorial walks through the basics of Flutter framework, installation of Flutter SDK, setting up Android Studio to develop Flutter based application, architecture of Flutter framework and developing all type of mobile applications using Flutter framework.

Integration, Flexibility and Scalability Capabilities

Because of it’s easy t access and easy to integrate framework, Google’s Flutter provides enhanced flexibility, integration and scalability capabilities. Whether you are reengineering a legacy application to match the current and future market needs or you need to build a quick wireframe to present to the investors, Flutter can be integrated for both the purposes.

Flutter framework offers the following features to developers −

  • Modern and reactive framework.
  • Uses Dart programming language and it is very easy to learn.
  • Fast development.
  • Beautiful and fluid user interfaces.
  • Huge widget catalog.
  • Runs same UI for multiple platforms.
  • High performance application.

→ Check my GitHub repo:

Here I have uploaded all the files of this app , please check it for better understanding.

Features of the Media Player app:

This is the page of output of this app , here we play assets audio i.e. we add them locally . I have added the features of play, stop, pause while playing the audio.

2. Playing video from assets:

This is the page of assets video , here we can play video which we added in assets file.

Here we used video player plugin , which maintain the size of screen , reliability in video, maintain video quality. Sometimes it will become the difficult to maintain it.

3. Playing audio from internet:

It is difficult to play audio from internet in base app , basically we required url of this audio , sometime it will take longer time to find the actual url of this audio.

After the disconnectivity of internet it won’t play this audio.

4. Playing Video from internet:

Here in this file we play video from internet , by coping the url of this video in our file. Basically we required the url of videos from internet for playing them , without connectivity we can’t play them.



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